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Resolution of admitted and excluded people in the 1st period of pre-enrollment - year 2023-2024


As an interdisciplinary master's degree, there is no defined profile of admission. Students ought to come from degrees which would benefit from the contents of this master's degree. However, it is recommended that students enrolled in the Specialization in Legal Sciences and Gender violence or the Specialization in Equality Agent come from degrees such as Law, Political Science, Labor Relations, Psychology, Pedagogy, Anthropology, Sociology, Social Work, Social Education, Infant Education or Primary Education. For the Specialization in Human and Social Sciences, the most appropriate degrees of access are those from the Humanities or from Education, Anthropology or Sociology.


Access to official university master’s degrees is in accordance with Royal Decree 822/2021, of 28 September

Roads Observations

1) Spanish bachelor/master's degree or equivalent


2) EHEA bachelor/master’s degree provided that in the country issuing the degree it entitles access to master’s degree studies.

  • The master’s degree coordinator and the Master’s Degree Study Committee must verify that the degree or equivalent gives access to the master’s 
3) Officially recognized degree
  • Processing falls with the Ministry.

4) Non-recognized bachelor’s degree from outside the EHEA of equivalent training to a Spanish bachelor’s degree provided that in the country issuing the degree it entitles access to postgraduate-level studies.
  • The person concerned must submit a document issued by the university where they obtained the degree for access or by the competent authority of that country certifying that the degree, in the country issuing the degree, entitles access to university postgraduate-level studies.

  • Processing falls with the University of Lleida. The master’s degree coordinator and the master’s degree Studies Committee must check these requirements before making the proposal for the admission of students holding a non-recognized degree.

  • Access via this route does not, under any circumstances, imply the recognition of the previous degree held by the person concerned, nor its recognition for other purposes than taking the master’s degree, since, when appropriate, to exercise the profession, recognition of the bachelor’s degree giving access to the master’s degree may be required.
5) Unfinished Spanish bachelor’s degree studies
  • at most TFG (bachelor’s degree final project) and 9 ECTS credits.

  • Exceptionally, access to the master’s degree may be accepted, with conditional enrolment, for students with credits of a Spanish degree still outstanding (maximun TFG and of 9 ECTS credits.  This will only be possible if, at the end of the second or subsequent pre-registration periods, if applicable, there are vacancies once all the students with the completed degree have been enrolled..

Documents for submission to pre-register


  • Pre-registration application signed by the interested (printing from the web).
  • In the event that the identity document (ID or passport) has expired, you need to submit it again.

The secretariat of the center will attach to the application for registration the other documentation.



  • Application for pre-registration signed by the person concerned (printed from the website).
  • Original and copy or authenticated copy of DNI for Spanish students, of documentary proof of nationality and identity for students from EU Member States, or of passport for students from other countries.
  • Authenticated copy of the official university qualification certificate enabling entry to the master’s degree. If applying via entry route 3 (non-homologated qualification with an educational level equivalent to a bachelor’s degree), students must bear in mind that, at the time of registering, they must submit a document issued by the university awarding the qualification or by the competent authority of the country attesting to the fact that this qualificationenables entry to postgraduate studies.
  • The official academic transcript in which the grades obtained are specified and, in the event of transcripts issued abroad, the numeric scale of these grades and the credit hours must be given. If students took their studies at the University of Lleida, they will not need to submit this document because the secretariat of the centre will attach the authenticated copy of the respective transcript to the application.
  • Any documents specific to the master’s degree, if mentioned in the master’s degree information.
  • New students registering using the self-registration system must submit or send by post the documents indicated in Article 3.2 of the academic regulations for master's degrees to the secretariat of the centre before self-registering.


In both cases, students who have completed their studies at the UDL and those who have completed them at another university and wish to request the recognition of crèdtis, they must state that in the respective section on the application for pre-registration and, in addition to the aforementioned documentation, they must submit:

- The curriculum or table of subjects issued or published by the respective centre.

- Documentation accrediting the competencies attained, the educational content taken or the stamped programme of passed subjects.


Requirements for documents issued abroad

Documents issued abroad must be official, original and issued by the competent authorities, and they must be legalised diplomatically. This procedure must be carried out at each of the following organisations and in the indicated order:

1. Ministry of Education of the country of origin for qualifications and study certificates, and the respective Ministry for birth and nationality certificates.

2. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country issuing the documents.

3. Diplomatic or consular representation of Spain in the document-issuing country.


All documents issued by the diplomatic authorities or consular services of another country in Spain must be legalised by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

 For the legalisation of documents issued by countries that are signatories to the Hague Convention, of 5 October, the previously established requirements are substituted by the apostille affixed to the document by the competent authority of the State that issued the document.

It is not required to legalise documentation issued by EU Member States, provided there are no doubts as to their authenticity and legitimacy, or to their official nature.

The aforementioned documents must be accompanied by an official translation into Spanish, if they are written in another language. This translation can be rendered:

- By any diplomatic or consular representation of Spain abroad.

- By the diplomatic or consular representation in Spain of the country of which the applicant is a subject or, if applicable, of the document-issuing country.

- By sworn translators duly authorised or registered in Spain.

As a general rule, it is only necessary to provide an official translation of the subject programme in cases where it cannot be assessed adequately without one.

If the original document is written in a non-Latin alphabet, it is recommended that the translation should include the name of the qualification in the original language but transcribed into the Latin alphabet, rather than a translation of that name.

Original documents may be submitted together with a photocopy, and they shall be returned to the people concerned after authentication.

If the photocopies have been compared and legalised by the diplomatic or consular representation of Spain in the document-issuing country or before a notary, it is not necessary to submit the original at the same time.

More information

More information

Pre-registration and enrollment calendar


- Pre-registration: from March 1 to July 2, 2023

- Resolution: July 14, 2023

- Registration: July 25 and 26, 2023

- Enrollment of the double specialty they want to do in an academic year: September 27, 2023.

- Modifications of the license plate: October 10 and 11, 2023


SECOND TERM (in the event that there are vacancies left)

- Pre-registration:

Masters that don't cover up in the pre-registration of the first term: from July 17 to September 3, 2023

Masters with vacancies left after the registration of the first term: from July 29 to September 3, 2023

- Resolution: September 14, 2023

- Registration: September 25 and 26, 2023

- Enrollment of the double specialty they want to do in an academic year: September 27, 2023

- Modifications of the license plate: October 10 and 11, 2023


In the event that vacancies remain, an extraordinary pre-registration period may be opened.

You can search the master's degrees with open pre-registration HERE.

The pre-registration must be done through Internet:  http://www.udl.cat/ca/estudis/poficials_preinscripcio/

Enrollment and modification of enrollment can be done through the self-enrollment system or in person at the center's secretariat by requesting an appointment. Internet access will be open during the dates indicated: http://automat.udl.cat