???option.TituloSitioWeb.master??? Gender Studies and Management of Equality Policies

Objectives and competences

Basic competences:

  • To Have and to understand knowledge that provide a base or opportunity of being originals in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.
  • To Know how to apply the educational backgrounds and to have capacity of problem solving in environments new or little known in related wider contexts (or multidisciplinary) with its study area.
  • To Be capable of integrating knowledge and to face the complexity of formulating judgments from an information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social responsibilities and ethics linked to the application of its knowledge and judgments.
  • To Know how to communicate its conclusions –and the knowledge and last reasons that sustain them– to public specialized and not specialized in a clear way and without ambiguities.
  • To Have the skills of learning that allow them continuing studying in a way that will have to be to a large extent a directed writ or autonomous. 

General jurisdictions:    

  • To Know how to work in group, especially in interdisciplinary environments. (Interpersonal competence).
  • To Know how to apply the educational backgrounds and to have capacity of problem solving in environments new or little known in related wider contexts (or multidisciplinary) with its study area.
  • To Know how to work in group, especially in interdisciplinary environments. (Interpersonal competence)
  • To Know how to design, to plan, to manage and to evaluate projects through goals and strategies. (Instrumental competence). 
  • To Know how to use the tools of data collection for the qualitative and quantitative analysis. (Instrumental competence)
  • To Know how to analyze critically the cultural, social and political environment from a corpus or of the disciplinary knowledge. (Cognitive competence)
  • To Be capable of recognizing the situations of discrimination towards the women from a corpus or of the gender studies and articulating an adequate answer and effective. (Cognitive competence).
  • To Recognize and to be capable of using the research methods in legal, human and social sciences. (Instrumental competence)
  • Respect to the basic rights of equality between women and men, the promotion of the Human Rights and the eigenvalues of a peace culture and of democratic values. (Transversal basic competence of the University of Lleida)

Specific competences: 

  • To Acquire the basic concepts and the main questions related to the gender studies and feminist.
  • To Be capable of identifying the sources of the gender inequalities on which have operated and operate in the different areas.
  • To Know how to analyze the situations of gender inequality (lacking of equality of deal and of opportunities) in different areas and to be capable of designing solutions.
  • To Distinguish the main claims of the women in its fight with the discriminations of gender and for the exercise of his rights.
  • To Identify the gender differences in the communication and to know to use a language inclusive and respectful with the women
  • To Dominate the current legislation gender and to be capable of evaluating its|his|her|their social implications
  • To Be capable of understanding the mechanisms of the violence against women.
  • To Be capable of recognizing and articulating answers to discrimination situations and vulnerability of the women.
  • To Be capable of identifying the stereotypes of gender in the different cultural demonstrations and of organization and social relationship.
  • To Understand the socializing role of the means and the implication that the media contents have in the construction of our sexual identity and of gender.
  • To Distinguish the differential morbidity and the influence of the gender biases in the diagnosis and treatment of the illnesses in the women.
  • To Familiarize itself with the techniques and services of intervention with victims of violence against women and the prevention models.
  • To Be capable of interrelating the physical means and environmental with the questions of gender, acquiring a critical and analytic look of the interventions and projects on the urban space.
  • To Be capable of designing positive actions.